Parents are facing a bit of a conundrum these days. Children in most states are bringing home something called “Common Math,” and asking parents to help them solve match equations. Since most parents did not grow up with Common Math, teaching children how to compute such math problems is turning out to be rather complicated.
When a child brings home math homework that parents don’t understand (or aren’t familiar with), that child must then solve equations solo. Alternately, parents can attempt to solve equations with children, though they run the risk of not teaching a child how to solve a problem properly. Now, there’s a new solution to this parental dilemma, and this solution is called SnappSchool.
SnappSchool The Startup
SnappSchool is a new startup, but this company is already gaining a lot of press. When parents sign up for a SnappSchool account, weekly guides are emailed to parents. These guides are written by teachers and correspond with a child’s current grade level. Each week, parents should be able to move along with a child who is learning Common Math. Since each teacher is different, some classes may be a bit ahead or behind the guides that SnappSchool is putting out.
All of the SnappSchool guides have been written by trained teachers, so parents can rest assured that the guide they are reading will set them on the right course. Not only is SnappSchool a great way for parents to learn what’s happening on the math front, but this website also offers parents a way to connect with kids during homework time.
Cost and Signing Up
SnappSchool is free to use for the first three weeks. After that, there’s a nominal fee of $7.99 per year (this fee is used to fund the site and pay the teachers who write the math guides). Signing up for a SnappSchool account is simple enough too. If you’re a parent, just click on the signup button on the SnappSchool homepage. Then, fill in the proper information. After that, your three-week free trial will begin via email, and SnappSchool is confident that you’ll continue your membership for an entire year. Really, when you think about it, $7.99 isn’t a high price to pay for customized math guides.
In addition to a math guide that brings you through what your child is currently learning in school, SnappSchool also provides subscribers with a refresher tip or two. Sometimes, parents just need to be reminded how to do long division (for example) or how to work out a math problem. These guides include both detailed math samples and refresher guides, so that parents can keep up with kids at all times – even if that means looking over a quick refresher guide daily. If your child needs help with Common Math homework, SnappSchool is a great alternative to hiring a tutor. Even though SnappSchool is a new startup, this is one business that’s bound to take off very quickly, and the site is open right now to any parent or guardian who is seeking a bit of math help.