If you use Spotify, you’ll notice something different today. The Swedish company has redesigned its site. Instead of a lot of white space, you’ll now see a lot of darkness. Spotify has tried to simply its site design by covering everything in black. In addition to the darker hue, there are some other changes that users will enjoy.
The New Spotify Design
The goal of this redesign was to make it simpler for users to find favorite artists, search for albums and album covers, and use the service in a more efficient manner. Seemingly, Spotify has accomplished this task. Some of the updates you’ll see include:
White Circles: it’s hard to miss these, since the white circles that surround images of musicians are the only white spots on the whole page. These circles were developed to make recognition simpler.
Your Music: this section of Spotify aims to make finding the music you like easier. You can now save a song or album that you enjoy, browse through your collection, and organize your songs as you please.
Relevant Content: Spotify will attempt to suggest music that you may like with this section of the new site.
Cover Art: on each artist page, you will now see clear album art as the Spotify background fades and is replaced by cover art.
Better Search Bar: more room to search
New Font: it’s easier to see things on the new site, and that’s always a bonus.
Spotify In Canada
Spotify is still not available in Canada, much to the disappointment of Canadian music fans. However, the company does seem to be working on the expansion part of its business. It’s also reassuring to see that Spotify has taken the time to redesign its website based on user reviews and opinions.
Spotify reps told press today that all of the design changes were derived from what users wanted to see. Maybe, just maybe, Spotify execs will listen to Canadian music lovers too (one can be hopeful, anyway!).
The company has made the design changes for all of the reasons listed above, but there’s one more reason. Other streaming music services have stark-looking sites with minimalist designs.
So, Spotify has to keep up somehow. This is the first major overhaul for the popular music streaming site. Why black? I’m guessing that this hue helps the song titles and that green Spotify bar stand out. All in all, this design is a successful one, in this reviewer’s opinion!
Not Showing Up
It has been reported that the new Spotify theme isn’t showing up for some people. Rest assured that the theme will appear later this week for everyone – even people in Canada can now see the new theme alongside the “Not Available In Your Country” notice. Spotify is one of the most popular music streaming services available, though the company does have some stiff competition.
Do you use Spotify? Can you see the new theme? What do you think of the new theme? Some hate it, and others thing that every site should look like this one.