Flash drives have come a long way since their inception, haven’t they? At first, these small drives were moving at a snail’s pace. Now, companies like Toshiba are looking to make flash drives lighting fast. Rumor has it that Toshiba (based on a press release from the company) is set to release the next generation of flash drives: the TransMemory-EX. The company claims that this flash drive will be even faster than the current Super Speed drives out there.
With the new Toshiba drive (if all goes according to plan), you will be able to do everything you can currently do with a flash drive, only a lot faster. This makes a lot of sense, since the world we currently live in moves at a very fast pace. Toshiba will unveil the new flash drives at an upcoming tech event this month, and the drives will be ready for consumer sale early this year. So, what’s so super about the Super Speed 3.0 Flash Drive?
How Fast?
You’ve already read that the Super Speed 3.0 is fast, but just how fast is fast? Well, current Super Speed flash drives are ten times faster than previous flash drives. If you haven’t already taken one of these devices for a spin, there’s no time like the present, right? After all, the whole point of a flash drive is to accomplish tasks quickly, so why not purchase the fastest flash drives on the market, right?
Well, you may think that the Super Speed drives are the fastest out there, but Toshiba is ready to prove you wrong. According to the Toshiba press release, the new TransMemory-EX drives will be twenty-two times faster than the current Super Speed drives. That’s right, twenty-two times faster. How about read and write speeds? How does 22 megabytes per second sound? If all goes according to Toshiba’s plans, buying another flash drive won’t be an option.
Sizes and Pricing
As you might have guessed, the new Toshiba TransMemory-EX won’t be on the very cheap side of things. Toshiba has stated that this drive will sell for around $150 for the 64GB version and $102 for the 32 GB version. This may seem like a lot of money to spend on flash drive, but you probably won’t find anything faster than the TransMemory-EX when it first hits the market. Sure, this isn’t a flash drive that you want to loan to a friend, but it is a flash drive that you’ll want to keep on hand. After all, why wait a long time to read or write files when you can accomplish these tasks quickly?
As far as availability goes, as mentioned, Toshiba hasn’t released any solid dates yet. First, the flash drive will debut at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas (upcoming), and then the drive will be sent to shelves across the world. This is very exciting news for consumers and Toshiba alike, and many are anticipating the arrival of the new drive at the Consumer Electronics Show.