One can only assume that a recent iPhone app created by Surrey, UK, police was well intentioned. This app will allow residents of Surrey to track police officers throughout any given day. Residents will see where police officers are, what they are doing, and where they can be found. This app was meant to provide residents with a sense of security, though there are many, obvious, problems with creating an app of this sort.
Police can decide which law enforcement activities can be view by residents, which gives the offices some control over the app, but one has to wonder why this app was created. A press release by the Surrey Police Department assures the public that the app was created in order to give residents a chance to monitor police activities – transparency, it seems, was the main reason for the creation of the app.
Possible Problems and Benefits
Presumably, most citizens of Surrey are not interested in police activities. However, criminals sure are. All it takes is one criminal to note the locations of Surrey police officers. Once these locations are noted, criminals can act to rob houses, banks, and commit all kinds of other wicked deeds while police aren’t looking. Police have assured the public that a scenario of this kind will not occur.
Aside from the problems that could arise on account of this new app, there are some benefits to tracking police. Residents will be able to contact police through the app, and information about any police activity will also be reported. This might be a faster way to contact authorities if something occurs, but it’s unlikely that these benefits will outweigh the drawbacks.
A Reasonable Creation?
Police departments throughout the world have been tracking officers with GPS trackers. These devices allow department heads to see how police conduct daily business. In many instances, officers have been found tending to other activities throughout the course of any business day. These findings have outraged and shocked communities, since taxpayer money often funds police departments.
Thus, it is reasonable to assume that the Surrey Police Department is attempting to allow residents to see how police act regularly. This way, if residents have any complaints, department heads can fix problems immediately. The creation of the app seems to be based upon logic, though this author is not entirely sure that the app was thoroughly thought of.
Currently, the police tracking app is only available to some Surrey residents. There have been rumors that the app will be available throughout the United Kingdom sometime soon. Presently, the app is being tested for efficiency. So far, residents are happy with the app choice, though the criminal aspect of the app does make some people (understandably) nervous.
The app in question is currently available through the Apple Store, though it is set to be available to Android and BlackBerry users as well. There is no word yet as to whether or not other countries, counties, or otherwise will be setting up a similar app anytime soon, though many people are aware that the app exists, and many are watching to see how this app works out.