The majority of computer owners know that regular maintenance is the key to keeping your computer operating at its best, but a smaller percentage of that group of people actually know how to perform this maintenance and do so on a regular basis. The novice computer user can cause some serious damage when meddling with registry files, and usually hasn't a clue where to begin to clean up the system. With TuneUp Utilities 2013, you can let the software take care of everything for you, assuring your machine performs as best it can.
TuneUp Utilities 2013 gives users a clean interface and a host of options to fix, clean, and optimize the performance of your computer. With the 1-Click Maintenance tool, even those who are not computer-savvy can easily perform all of the necessary steps in one simple click.
Installation Is A Snap
Upon installation, the software begins an immediate system analysis. It goes through the computer from top to bottom and lets you know what steps to take, such as cleaning the registry and browser, remove broken shortcut links, and defragmenting the hard drive. If you don't need to defragment, TuneUp Utilities 2013 will recommend when you should.
When the software finds problems, you simply click a button and the system removes all unnecessary items such as unneeded items and broken shortcut links. It will tell you exactly how many problems it has corrected. In cnet testing, this process caused no problems.
Besides the handy 1-Click Maintenance tool, TuneUp Utilities 2013 allows users to create usage profiles, telling the program how the computer is being used and adjusting how the system is optimized. The System Protection feature gives users the power to undo any changes the program made, which can be a life saver in the case of an accidentally deleted crucial registry file.
As mentioned before, the interface is highly user-friendly. Users are greeted with a blue and white tabbed interface upon startup with five sections: Status & Recommendations; Optimize System; Clean Up Computer; Fix Problems; and Customize Windows. These are all easy for all users to understand. The default screen is the Status & Recommendations tab, where the number of problems found is displayed next to the Start 1-Click Maintenance button.
TuneUp Disk Cleaner and TuneUp Browser Cleaner are two new tools released with this version of TuneUp Utilities. Disk Cleaner helps wipe out the remnants of programs you've uninstalled while Browser Cleaner cleans up activity from 25 different browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.
Additional Info and Pricing
TuneUp Utilities 2013 is perfect for users of all types with great functions like file backup and recovery, Windows customization, and file deletion all available in one place. Beginner users will find the most value in this program, but beware: you can only install the program on a total of three computers before having to purchase another license to do so. Originally $49.95, the software is currently available for a limited time for $29.95 with a 15-day free trial.