When it comes to keeping track of your stocks, you have two options. The first option is to hire a full-service broker. The second option is to watch your own stocks regularly. Hiring a full-service broker can be an expensive choice. While less expensive, watching your own stocks is a full-time job. This is precisely where stock software comes into play.
Great stock software can keep a virtual eye on your stocks at all times. When your stock reaches that pre-set price, some software programs can alert you of the price change. If you don’t have a full-time broker, stock software is the next best option. Further, stock software can be purchased for less than $100, and many first rate programs are free for individual use.
Fund Manager – Freeware
Fund Manager takes into account stocks that are being traded on the BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) and NSE (National Stock Exchange). This program can keep track of cash accounts, stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and many other types of investments. You can also customize alerts as you see fit. Fund Manager comes with many stock lists, though you can import your own lists. Fund Manager is a freeware program, but it is also a thorough program. User-friendly and straightforward, Fund Manager will keep an eye on your stocks when you can’t.
LiteStock – $20+
Sometimes all you need is a simple way to keep an eye on important stocks. When switching back and forth from a market site won’t do, LiteStock will provide all of the basic stock information you need in the form of a handy ticker. You can keep an eye on a standard ticker while also watching your portfolio closely. LiteStock allows you to enter your own portfolio details, which sets this program apart from the rest. LiteStock also comes with the added bonus of consuming very few system resources.
XTick Extreme -- $70+
Real-time quotes, real-time charts, and a number of different graph options makes XTick Extreme popular amongst investors. Unlike other programs, XTick Extreme offers various graph and chart choices. Bars, dots, lines, and various other chart options can be customized and selected. You can also view stock color-coded stock quotes and change font options. Foreign investors will also be happy to note that XTick Extreme displays various currencies. True to its name, XTick Extreme really is an extreme way to keep an eye on your investments.
StockMarketEye -- $25+
The thing that sets StockMarketEye apart from the rest is “Watch Lists.” Watch lists are, essentially, customized market tracking lists. You can also search for various stocks by using the “search” function – an efficient way to find any stock that you are looking for. If you want to add a stock to your Watch List, a simple drag and drop features makes this possible. StockMarketEye also makes it possible to snag current stock prices through various websites. This simple program is easy to use and efficient, which is why it gains a top rating amongst investors of all kinds.