There are all kinds of gadgets out there that promise to make viewing your favorite show easier. Heck, who needs a remote anymore? The VooMote Zapper is the latest and greatest remote gadget to hit store (well, the Apple Store, at least) shelves. This remote isn’t really a remote at all, but it’s more of an iPhone, iPod, or any i-gadget accessory.
When attached to your iOS device, the VooMote allows you to flip channels to your heart’s content.
If you’re tired of using your current remote control, the VooMote may be the thing that you’ve been waiting for. There’s just one catch, this iOS attachment comes with a $70 price tag. Now, this may not seem like a lot for some people (and it’s way less than a good universal remote!), but it is far too pricey for others. Price aside, here’s what the VooMote has to offer.
Design and Overall Function
The VooMote really reminds me of Square. Only, the VooMote doesn’t accept mobile payments and comes in more colors than the Square mobile payment attachment. VooMote really looks like a small white (or other colored) rectangle that plugs into the bottom of your iPhone (or other iOS device). Once plugged, users can download the VooMote app, and sit back to happily flip channels using any i-device desired.
The whole process seems simple enough, and the VooMote has gotten great reviews so far. Note: do not confuse the new VooMote with the VooMote One (available via Amazon), which had a few glitches and received some negative press. The developers behind VooMote have fixed things up nicely, and this remote attachment really does rock. Again though, you’ll have to get past that $70 price tag in addition to the added skin fee.
Adding a VooMote Cover
If you want to really deck out your i-device, VooMote offers various covers that can be purchased for an extra fee. The VooMote cover for the iPhone costs $10 and the VooMote cover for the iPad costs $20. Now, I’m all for startups making a dollar for a well-made product, but, when all is said and done, decking out your iPad with a VooMote will cost $90. Hooking up your iPhone with a VooMote will run you $80. These prices are on the high side no doubt, and one can only assume that VooMote is attempting to go after a niche crowd with this pricing.
For those who have $90 or $80 to spend on a remote, the VooMote is now available in the Apple Store. This remote attachment comes in an array of colors including black, white, green, pink, blue, orange, and red. This reviewer would be tempted to purchase a VooMote if the price weren’t so high (yep, back to that price factor!).
Still, the product itself is innovative and interesting. It will be even more interesting, however, to see if other companies attempt to create remote attachments like this one (offered at a lower price). So, there you have it: the VooMote is an iOS remote attachment that is, seemingly, a tad expensive for the average consumer – but it will save you from using your current remote.