Microsoft has started to roll out the annual Xbox One holiday updates. This year you’ll find a few cool new features packed into those updates. If you’re an Xbox One fan, here are the features that you’ll want to look out for.
LFG for Xbox
The first major update is the addition of LFG for Xbox. This feature will allow players to find other players to help with quests, activities, and achievements. The feature will allow gamers to add requests to a chat-like board, filter searches, and find like-minded players. With this new search option, players can hook up with other players and start a game or find some answers to gaming questions.
Clubs Too
You’ll also be able to create and join holiday clubs. Clubs are like virtual parties where you can connect with other players to discuss gaming. You’ll be able to uniquely name each of these clubs and find players that want the same things you do. If you like to socialize without actually getting off of your couch, Clubs is probably something that you’d really enjoy.
Xbox Apps Get Some Love
Microsoft is also including the aforementioned club functions for Xbox apps. Windows 10, iOS, and Android will all have access to the club features. All of the apps and the Xbox One will also support Xbox Live group messaging. Group messaging is helpful if you want to send one message to a group of people (people can reply using Microsoft apps or Xbox One console).
Emojis Join the Party
In case you can’t get enough emojis when it comes to your phone texts, Microsoft is also adding emojis to the Xbox One keyboard. So when you do go to group chat you can do so with emojis (because, you know, everything is better with emojis, right?). Presumably, these will be like all the rest but Microsoft might add a twist or two to gaming emojis to better suit gaming conversations.
Sound Updates
Another fun new feature is a new sound that your Xbox One will make when you accomplish a tough task or achievement. Microsoft has built in a sound that will make you stand up and take notice - or make others stand up and notice your skills.
Gamers will also now be able to see how rare each achievement was during each game in a sort of ranking list. Another fun thing that gamers will like is that the game scorer board will reset at the beginning of each month instead of that rolling over 30-day period that was set previously. In short, there are a lot of new updates happening with Xbox
One for this holiday period. Microsoft is starting to roll out these features now, and some other features will likely pop up in the coming weeks as well. For all the gamers in your life, these features will be a fun addition to the holiday season.
Make sure to check them out if you play Xbox or have any of the apps listed above.