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  • Native YouTube App: No Longer Available on iOS or Android
Technology Articles > Cell Phones > Others > Native YouTube App: No Longer Available on iOS or Android

Almost six years ago, Apple and Google got along. These two companies got along so well that Apple integrated Google Maps into its original iPhone. Now, Apple has decided to flush Google Maps in order to make way for an Apple-built maps program. In addition to the elimination of Google Maps, Apple will be doing away with the native YouTube app.

Whether Apple is no longer interested in YouTube or whether Google doesn’t want to play nice with Apple is up for debate. What is interesting is that Google will be creating an independent YouTube app. Why is this interesting? Google will have completely control over the new app without Apple’s helping hand. This partnership split may not benefit YouTube app users in the long run.

What Google Control Means

A few months ago, Google opened up advertising to most YouTube creators. Once reserved for large companies, almost anyone can advertise via YouTube now. This is an increasingly annoying part of watching any video through YouTube now. But, it’s also a great way for Google to bring in additional revenue. The more advertising that Google can generate through YouTube, the better off Google will be. Only, how will this impact YouTube app users?

Well, more advertising than you bargained for might bombard you. You may also find that the YouTube app you know will change. Granted, changes to the current YouTube app might not be a bad thing. After all, YouTube’s desktop site is much better than the current app. If you’re feeling bad for Apple regarding this split, don’t. Apple will gain a lot from Google taking back YouTube app control.

Here’s What Apple Has to Gain

Right now, Apple spends lots of money developing its native apps. Apple had to acquire a mapping company in order to create the upcoming Apple Maps. Apple also had to spend lots of dough to keep Google’s YouTube app native. Now that Google has to create its own app, Apple can get rid of those development costs. Sure, that means way less integration for users, but it does mean that Apple sheds some cost weight. It’s also worth pointing out that Apple will no longer have to pay for Google for the YouTube license. While Google gains ad revenue, Apple will be gaining money. As you can see, both companies really do benefit from this partnership break-up in the long run.

Apple isn’t likely to try and compete with YouTube. After all, ask anyone what an Internet video is and the answer is likely to be “YouTube.” Building that kind of brand is an almost impossible feat. Right now, Apple is more than happy to let Google build its own YouTube app. It won’t be integrated, it will be full of ads, and it might not be excellent, but now it’s all Google’s problem. Rest assured that the YouTube app available through Apple TV is safe and sound. Apple will keep YouTube on Apple TV available as long as possible, since Apple creates all Apple TV apps.