Google wants to make it easier to see song lyrics when you Google a song title. The company is now listing lyrics alongside any song search. All you have to do is add the word ‘lyrics’ to the song title when you search, and the lyrics for many songs will appear next to your search results. There are just a few exceptions to Google’s new search fun.
Selected Songs Only
In order for lyrics to appear when you search for a song’s title, that song has to be recorded in the Google Play store. For the most part, many popular tracks are in the Play store, but not all of the songs that you love will appear, and some more obscure songs definitely won’t appear. Aside from Google’s song selection according to what’s listed in Play, the company’s new search terms only work in the U.S.
Not Entirely Original
The Bing search engine has been digging up lyrics during search for more than a year now, though Bing doesn’t get as much press as Google does, so the company hasn’t enjoyed wide notification. But, if you use Bing, you can see song lyrics just as well as you can with a Google search. It’s really up to your search preferences at this point.
Not surprisingly, the lyrics that do appear during a Google search also include a quick button that will lead searchers to the Google Play store. So, if you want to download a tune from Play, you can do that really simply. While certainly a way to market the company’s own music store, Google’s new search offering also exists to take some attention away from those really spammy sites that do list lyrics.
Bad Lyric Sites
For as long as can be remembered, the only way to dig up lyrics via an online search was to go to a lyrics site. Those sites are full of pop-ups and are entirely bloated, though, so it’s kind of a gamble visiting any lyrics site. The new Google lyric search lets you view lyrics without going to a site that could potentially harm your computer, or just annoy you with constant pop-ups.
Where it Works
You have to use Google US English right now to see the lyrics to any song pop up. While some reports state that the lyric search will be available across North America, it’s not working in Canada at the time of this writing. If you do live in the US and use Google, you will start to see some lyrics pop up during a search as early as today.
Of course, you can always just use Bing to return the same search results, but if you prefer to use Google the lyrics should be there soon. In some ways, Google’s new lyrics search is going to cut into lyric site business, and that should bring up some arguments from site owners. In other ways, though, it’s nice to see lyrics pop up quickly, so that you can find what you’re looking for and get on with singing in the shower or karaoke.