The superiority of companies is debated all the time. How many times have you defended your Android phone or iPhone? Or, how often have you stood up for a brand that you love? Sometimes, one brand is really superior to another. But, does brand loyalty hold any water when it comes to computer parts?
Buying Parts Based on Brand
Buying computer parts based on brand might make some sense. This is especially true if you consider how much progress certain brands have made over the past few years. That said, it all depends on what part you are looking to purchase. Here are some examples.
Processors: There are really two main brands when it comes to processors: AMD and Intel. Just a few years ago, both companies were neck-and-neck when it came to quality and design. Now, Intel has taken the reigns. More often than not, Intel is ahead of AMD, though AMD offers cheaper parts.
Video Cards: Just like AMD and Intel, two major brand name video card manufacturers exist: NVIDIA and AMD. These two brands really have to be compared according to price. Some NVIDIA cards are superior to AMD cards in a certain price range, but this may not bode true in all price ranges. Do your homework here.
Warranties: A warranty is not an actual piece of hardware (duh!), but there's a reason why it's part of this list. Aside from video cards and processors, any part your purchase should come with a solid warranty. No warranty? No deal. Bad warranty? No deal. That's the simple way of looking at it.
Even if you have purchased the most expensive piece on the planet that was manufactured by the best company out there, you'll still want a warranty. Just look at all the best companies in the world - I'm willing to bet that more than half of them offer products backed by amazing warranties. Heck, even Dyson, the mind-blowing vacuum cleaner brand, offers a solid warranty on the company's products. Why?
The best hardware can go awry sometimes. That's why. If you've put a lot of research, time, and money into purchasing any hardware, you'll want to make sure you have a solid warranty to back it all up. So, does buying hardware based on brand really work? Is it a good idea? And, does it even make sense?
The Simple Truth
The answer to all of those questions is a simple: yes. However, brand loyalty only matters when buying certain pieces of hardware. More often than not, it's all very black and white with few gray areas. Keep in mind that this advice isn't based on pricing (cheaper parts do exist, and might not be better than more expensive parts, but that's up to you).
When it comes to processors, go with Intel if you can afford it. If it's about video cards, compare models according to price. For everything else, check that warranty, make sure to do your homework, and read as many reviews as you can find (including the ones on this site). Got questions? Just ask!