What if you knew exactly where to park before you got to the stadium? What if you could find out what the weather is like before you decide not to wear a rain jacket? Thanks to IBM’s new “smarter cities” enterprise, the Sun Life Stadium (where the Miami Dolphins play) is about to become, well, a whole lot smarter.
In the very near future, the Sun Life Stadium will communicate directly with fans. Things like letting fans know how to exit the stadium without risking trampling, which parking lot isn’t full, and other important details will be readily available. How does it all work? According to a report by Mashable, it’s all about analytics.
This Stadium Takes Note
By gathering bits and piece of information from turnstile passages, weather reports, traffic conditions, and social media updates, IBM’s new technology can put together a fairly accurate picture for game-goers. Presumably, all of this data will be available to fans via smartphone apps, though these details haven’t been worked out quite yet. IBM and the Dolphins are just starting to work together, though I wouldn’t be surprised if technology like this spreads throughout the sports (and stadium) world. Really, any stadium could benefit from this type of technology, though the Sun Life Stadium will be the first to try it out.
Incidentally, the Sun Life Stadium isn’t just home to the Miami Dolphins. This stadium also plays host to a number of different entertainers, and holds more than 70,000 seats. Any time a big entertainer visit the Sun Life Stadium, IBM’s technology will be ready and waiting to provide ticket holders with useful information. Needless to say, this new technology is going to change the way that concert goers and sports fans view games and other events.
Other Purposes
While the new IBM-Sun Life Stadium initiative is a great thing for spectators, there are some other ways that this technology can be used. For example, stadium marketers will know which vending items sell the most. Vendors will also be kept track of very closely when it comes to things like selling products that are not approved or providing items that should not be sold at certain times (like alcohol). For these reasons, some are wary of the new technology. Yet, it seems as though the benefits outweigh the drawbacks when it comes to the latest technology to hit stadiums since AstroTurf.
When will you see these changes implemented? Probably not for another year or so, at least. Still, it’s nice to see some technological improvements being made within the sports and stadium world. Further, it will be even nicer to know where to park, what bathroom to use, and what to wear to a game. These practical little tidbits are really what fans of all kinds need. If you live near Miami or are just a Dolphins fan, make sure to keep your eye on stadium happenings within the next year or so – there’s no doubt that this new technology will draw a lot of attention!