Most of us have to remember a great number of passwords on a regular basis. To make matters more complicated, these passwords are often changed in order to keep things truly safe. The problem with remembering constantly changing passwords is that it’s often very easy to forget a password or two. To combat this problem, password managers like the mSecure Password Manager exist. This particular password manager certainly has its pluses, but it also has a few shortcomings.
Initial Installation Impressions
As with most password managers, in order to use mSecure Password Manager, you will have to unlock the manager using a password that you create. This password will be created upon initial setup. Some might find the fact that mSecure Password Manager doesn’t tell you whether or not your password is strong a default of the program. However, this reviewer finds the simple password setup process refreshing, since far too many programs include password checkers that are too complex to please. Either way, setting the master password for mSecure is simple and effortless.
All of the passwords that you place in the mSecure folder are encrypted and can only be accessed with that master password. Once added to the mSecure program, all items that you have added will be listed in a nice dropdown menu format. By default, all items listed are detailed, but this can be changed to include simple descriptions for each item. Adding details and passwords to the mSecure folder is easy to do, making this program ideal for users of all types.
There’s nothing overly fancy about the mSecure interface. This interface simply consists of a white screen with black letter and a few icons. You can assign different icons to each item that you place in the mSecure folder, and this might help you locate various details and passwords with ease. Simple “File,” “Edit,” “Item,” “View,” and “Help” tabs sit at the top of the screen and are easily accessible. This program is ideal for users of all types and you’ll find mSecure very useful if you have to remember any password or information about anything else (like someone’s dress size, for example).
If you have an Android, Mac, or iOS device, you can synch the mSecure program with of these devices. In addition (and this is a bonus), mSecure can be synched with a DropBox account (something to weigh when comparing password managers). This is a nice feature that many will find helpful when using a mobile or other device.
If you’re used to other password managers, you will certainly find mSecure different from the rest. This password manager doesn’t pull up passwords as quickly as some other programs do. Also, mSecure offers users plenty of space to add other details to files that need to be recalled. Often, competing password managers don’t allow room for such details, which may or may not be a good thing. This reviewer found mSecure to be useful, though somewhat lacking when compared to other password managers in its class. Regardless, mSecure is a decent password manager for a competitive price ($19.95).