Routers were one of those sleepy devices for the past few years. You know, the devices that don’t change much and feel too old for today’s technology? Nobody really gave the standard home router a second thought. After all, the basic router connected all your home devices to one network and that was enough. Why mess with a good thing? Well, there are lots of reasons to alter the way that the current router works.
For one, today’s world is full of clouds, apps, and data that needs to be split according to your priorities. For another, the one router manufacturer that does come with a current, advanced, worthy of today’s technology router will be far ahead of the pack. That company looking to change, well, the way we look at routers, folks, is Cisco – the same people who bring you the popular Linksys line of routers.
What Cisco Has Been Up To
Cisco has invented a new system called the Cisco Connect Cloud (CCC). The CCC is a cloud in all the same ways that Apple’s cloud is a cloud, but Cisco is the first router company to bring the cloud concept to the average household router. With the Cisco cloud, Linksys Smart Wi-Fi owners will be able to connect to any device that’s part of a home network from a remote location. This means that parents can change parental controls, video cam addicts can check out a home webcam feed, and lots of other cool stuff.
Even more forward thinking than a router cloud is the way that Cisco is going about accessing this cloud. Instead of creating some kind of complex website setup or some intricate router password combo that nobody will remember, Cisco has decided to provide all CCC users with easy to access – what else – apps. That’s right, just like the apps that you’ve grown to love, the apps that you use every day, Cisco now has its own set of cloud apps just for Linksys users.
The New Cisco Apps
Right now, Cisco has targeted Android and iOS users, so you’ll have to wait awhile if you are currently using another platform. Android and iOS users who current have a smartphone or tablet can simply download the matching Cisco CCC apps from the Apple Store and Google Play, respectively. The apps that will help you manage your home network from anywhere you roam are free, and they also happen to be very easy to use. Cisco has done away with router complexity to make room for a router and a router cloud that just makes a good deal of sense.
Keep your eyes open for a new Cisco Linksys Smart Wi-Fi router too. The company has announced that it is creating a new Smart Wi-Fi router that will be able to handle all those video download demands users so often ask of their home routers, but back to the current CCC enabled routers for a moment: you can also split these routers (simply) according to how much dedication you want your network to provide for one device over another. For example, if you want your laptop to stream movies effortlessly, all you have to do is configure your router in this manner. As you can probably tell by now, Cisco is, indeed, leading the pack when it comes to routers.