Android users – the founders that created the famed Instagram app have finally finished Instagram for Android. The new app was shown off this week at the SXSW conference, and the developers behind Instagram say that the Android app will be out very soon. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “very soon? Wait, haven’t they said that before?” Yes; it’s true, we’ve been hearing hype about an Instagram app for Android for some time now, but this time the app is finally in beta form – and the app was actually demonstrated at the popular tech conference.
In short, this time around, the Instagram app for Android is actually coming within the next few months (weeks, maybe). Alright, so you might have known that Instagram would eventually come to other platforms. What you might not have realized (or dreamed possible) is that the new Instagram app for Anrdoid-based devices may even be better than the current iOS version. That’s right, the developers behind Instagram told a crowd at SXSW that the current Android app may even be superior to the popular iPhone app.
‘’What Makes This Version of Instagram Better?’’’
So what could possible make an excellent app even better? Well, not too much is known about the new app (a very limited beta launch at the moment), but those who were in attendance at the conference (and were privy to the demonstration) were told that the new app is faster and can be shared across a lot more social networks. Aside from sharing an Instagram photo on Facebook, Android users will be able to send any photo to Twitter, Tumblr, and other choice selections – a really great added feature!
Not surprisingly, the founders of Instagram recently asked for a second round of funding from investors, and now the public at large knows why: to push that new Android app to the public and to (possibly) spread it to other platforms. However, there is some skepticism surrounding whether or not Instagram will receive the funding that it desires, since some VC firms don’t see this company as having any future revenue plans (as it stands, Instagram has millions of users, but currently doesn’t generate any revenue!).
Still, it certainly sounds (and looks to the people who saw the app in action) like the new Instagram app for Android is far past the development stage. There’s no official word yet as to when the app will show up in the Android marketplace, but I’m guessing that this app will be available far sooner than most people think. There’s just a few more tweaks and problems to work out, some beta testing to do, and then Instagram for Android will officially hit the Marketplace. Seemingly, Instgram for Android will be just as free as it is for iOS users too. How will Instagram make money to please investors who, after all, make it possible for the company to keep developing the app across various platforms? This dilemma has yet to be worked out, but it certainly doesn’t look like the developers behind Instagram are slowing down when it comes to innovation and expansion any time soon, and that, my friends, is a great thing for all people who love the magic that Instagram creates.