Panasonic has just unveiled the 20-inch 'ToughPad,' which is the first tablet with Ultra HD resolution. As the name suggests, this tablet is also extremely rugged. The ToughPad comes with some interesting features and extras, but the main feature is the tablet's screen, which has been designed to impress.
A Look at the ToughPad
Panasonic's latest tablet is powdered by Windows 8.1, and comes with a pen that Panasonic claims is better than any other Sylus-type pen on the current tablet/pen market. At the IFA conference, Panasonic showed off the ToughPad to viewers and reviewers by putting it in 'museum mode' where spectators could virtually visit a museum exhibition from the high-resolution screen.
Clearly, Panasonic isn't really aiming at everyday consumers with the ToughPad. This tablet is more aimed at businesses and places like museums that could use a 20-inch HD tablet. Panasonic might be aiming for the right market too. The ToughPad comes with plenty of 'guts' that would impress those seeking a laptop - let alone a tablet!
Some ToughPad Specs
Inside the ToughPad you'll find Nvidia GeForce graphics, an Intel Core i5 processor, 8 GB of memory, and 256 GB of storage. Remember: this is a tablet. Those are some great specs for a tablet! The ToughPad is also really nicely designed. With a sculpted casing and a chassis that's light enough to carry around (considering the 20-inch screen), this tablet looks as great as it sounds.
If you run a business that could use a 20-inch HD tablet wonder, the ToughPad is the way to go - once it arrives. Panasonic is set to officially release the ToughPad in Europe this November, but it won't be cheap to purchase. The price that Panasonic plans to list the tablet at is roughly $6000 USD. So, clearly, this tablet isn't going to be one that you'll scoop up for a holiday gift or just because you want a tablet.
Ideal For Some
That said, the ToughPad will work well for most business uses, and it would look great propped up on a countertop or somewhere else that people can see it. With an amazing screen and plenty to love, the ToughPad looks like it will be a winner with some major businesses, but we'll have to wait and see what this tablet looks like in-person when it arrives in North America.
If you do live in Europe, you'll find the ToughPad at select stores, and you can check out additional details through Panasonic's main site right now. Or, head to the conference website to see what the ToughPad has to offer. Needless to say, the fact that Panasonic has come out with such a tablet will put this company ahead of the rest where tablet technology is concerned - especially if Panasonic wants to corner the business market.
What do you think of a 20-inch Ultra HD tablet worth nearly $6000? Is this a great idea for businesses in need of such a device, or it is a novelty item that's sure to be passed up due to restrictive budgets?