Pioneer has created some great and interesting audio items over the past few years. Not to be left behind in the digital age, Pioneer has recently announced the creation of the AirPlay Music Tap. This stereo system comes with an iPod dock in addition to Internet radio capabilities, and a nice and clean LCD screen.
The fact that Pioneer has developed a device that can effortless act as an iPod dock is nice, but what’s even nicer is the sound that comes from this system. If you’re into aesthetics, you’ll also love the look of the AirPlay Music Tap. While not contemporary in any sense of the word, the AirPlay Music Tap is sleek and will fit easily into any room in your home.
Bright and Clear Display
The thing that’s really great about the Pioneer AirPlay Music Tap is that this system includes a nice and bright LCD screen. This screen displays all kinds of information such as the name of a track or the name of an artist. You’ll also see album art on the LCD if you happen to be in the room at the time. While not necessary, viewing album art makes it possible to connect with the music just a bit more, and this is always a positive thing.
Is Pioneer the first company to create a system like this one with a LCD? Not at all. But, it is one of the first companies to create a LCD that’s crystal clear. Most of the time, these screens come somewhat jumbled, but this isn’t the case with the Music Tap. Everything you need to see will be displayed in front of your eyes, and this makes the Music Tap even more enjoyable.
Two Versions: One is Not Like the Other
As is the case with most systems in its class, the Pioneer Music Tap comes in two forms. The first form is the X-SMC3-S Music Tap. The second form is the X-SMC3-S Elite. As you might have guessed, the Elite comes with a higher price tag. In addition, this version also includes Bluetooth and it is auto-tuned. The regular X-SMC3-S comes with everything that I’ve mentioned above, but it doesn’t include Bluetooth.
While it’s largely up to you to decide which version will suit your needs best, the Bluetooth option may be worth it for some people.
If you aren’t all that thrilled with Bluetooth, you can bet that the X-SMC3-S Music Tap is everything you’re looking for in a system of this kind. The system itself also comes with excellent Pioneer sound. If you tire of the iPod dock on either version, you’ll be happy to know that this dock detaches quite easily when not in use.
Pricing and Availability
For a system of this magnitude, you might expect the prices on both devices to be relatively high. Interestingly, Pioneer has created price points that most people can easily afford. The X-SMC3-S will be priced at $399 and the X-SMC3-S Elite will be priced at $479.
As with most electronics rolling out this time of year, both versions of the Music Tap will be available for consumer purchase in October – you guessed it, just in time for the holiday season. I’m willing to wager a bet that both of these systems will be in high demand once they are released. If you have an iPod crazed family member or person on your holiday list, this is a great option.