Companies with catchy logos catch this writer’s eye. Rebelmouse not only has a great logo, this startup also has a great idea. Rebelmouse aims to collect all of your social posts and display them on one customized website. Everything that you post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus – all in one nice and neat place.
A place where you can send potential clients, let friends quickly see what you are up to, and share with anyone you want to show your social media efforts to. If you are in the social media game in any way, you need to sign up for a Rebelmouse beta account right now.
It’s Kind of Like Pinterest
After signing up for a Rebelmouse account (you will be asked to log into all of your social accounts during the signup process), your Rebelmouse page will be formed. At first, all of the photos and posts that you’ve created on all of your social networks is a bit overwhelming – there you are, exposed, and waiting for the world to see everything that you’ve ever posted on any site! But, you’ve already posted everything for the world to see if you use a social network. So, once you get used to seeing all of your information on one very cool page, you can proceed with Rebelmouse.
All of your photos and posts show up as image clips. Underneath those clips are links to your various accounts. For example, if an image of a particularly great cappuccino I had the other day shows up from my Instagram feed, my Instagram user name will be listed beneath that photo. Users can then flick on your username and find you on a new network. The site setup looks a lot like a personal Pinterest feed, which is a really good thing.
Using Rebelmouse As a Social Tool
Alright, social media people. You have to have a Rebelmouse account. Why? Not only will everything you’ve been posting online show up on your personalized Rebelmouse page, but you can also add tags to everything that you are posting. Say you are running a campaign for a vegan soap company. You’ve been posting photos of soap across all social sites, writing clever things, and re-tweeting lots of interesting stuff about soap. Now, all of that is in one place, and you can add tags to any photo or link that appears on your Rebelmouse page. See what a great marketing tool this is?
Rebelmouse will soon also offer individual site name memberships and corporate memberships (featuring your name or your company’s name as your Rebelmouse URL). If you’re wondering how to use Rebelmouse when you first create your site, you can find this information clearly explained on the Rebelmouse blog (located at the bottom of the Rebelmouse homepage).
The site is well designed, easy to navigate, and really fills a social void. If you’re curious about a company or a person, Rebelmouse is the one place to see everything that person or company is about – all at once. If everyone used Rebelmouse, it would be a lot easier to prepare for interviews, find out what your friends are up to without logging onto individual sites, and show off your social networking skills. Do you have a Rebelmouse account? Go get one; it’s free!