Let's face it, even the neatest project management tool on the planet can't make every project fun, and no one tool can meet everyone's definition of enjoyable, but Trello is about as close as they come. A huge problem with project management tools, is that they can be very overwhelming.
It can get to the point where project management is more of a hassle than the tasks that need organizing. Trello is a free web application, that allows users to organize all their projects, tasks and teams easily and in one place. The developers at Trello claim that their system is so comprehensive, new users are able to start working on the app within minutes.
Trello is basically a collection of virtual bulletin boards on a website. Each board holds a project. Users can view all of their boards on one screen, or click to view one project at a time. The boards hold lists, which work best when organizing stages of a project, such as "ideas", "working on" and "completed" categories. However, users can easily include simple lists like groceries. The items added to the list are designated as cards. The cards can be moved from one list to the other, signifying that the task or item has moved to a different stage of the project.
The items on the lists are called cards because each item can be expanded to show more detail. The card serves as a way for users to easily assign and track tasks within the project. Users can attach documents, photos, video, checklists or hyperlinks to the cards, in order to organize pertinent information. Instructions and sources for research are great examples of the types of information that can be included within each card.
One of the most stand-out features of the impressive Trello app, is the comprehensive ease of team collaboration. The simplicity of the boards and tasks make it great to work with groups of people. Team leaders can add members to a board and then drag individuals onto a specific card to demonstrate that they are assigned to a given task or aspect of the project.
Members can vote on cards to indicate preferences on an ideas. The voting feature could also be useful for a brainstorming type of list. Trello uses real-time updates, so everyone working on a project can be on the same page. It helps teams stay aware of any changes or new ideas on the table. It is also easy to restrict cards and lists so only specific members can view them. Trello also includes a notifications feature, to make sure you and your team are aware when changes are being made to a project.
Another great feature of Trello are public boards. This allows users to take advantage of social networking, and interact with their customers directly. Users can implement the voting feature to take customer polls and help make better business decisions. Trello is compatible with all operating systems and can be accessed anywhere with internet access, which is ideal for groups.