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  • Westone 4 R-Series Quad-Driver Earphones
Technology Articles > Photo, Video & Audio > Headphones > Westone 4 R-Series Quad-Driver Earphones

Audiophiles already know the brand “Westone” rather well. For those who don’t, here’s a quick rundown. Westone manufactures in-ear pieces for a variety of reasons. This company creates ear buds, ear pieces for the hearing impaired, and a number of other in-ear devices. Westone doesn’t manufacture anything other than devices that will make listening to anything better. As such, it’s hard for any other company to compete with the expertise that comes from Westone.

So, it should come as no surprise that audiophiles become extremely excited when Westone creates a new product. The last product that Westone created was the Westone 4 ear buds. Now, Westone has come out with the 4 R-Series Quad Driver Earphones. The best way to find out why these earphones are causing a stir is to test them out. If you can’t take these earphones for a spin on your own, here are some of the reasons why the audio world listens when Westone creates a new product.

The R-Series

The R-Series is a lot like the 4 Series. The main different is that the R-Series comes with detachable cables, which will make life a lot easier. Just like the 4 Series, the R-Series is equipped with quad-drivers. Some people argue that quad-drivers don’t actually impact the sound coming from a set of headphones, but others argue that this is not the case.

Four balanced quad drivers means that you will be able to hear sounds you never thought were possible. Combine these drivers with a 3-way crossover, and you have a set of headphones that are hard to beat. So hard to beat that musicians use the same technology on stage. From noise-cancelling abilities to making sure you hear every last note, the Westone R-Series is truly the top of the headphone line.


Nothing that caters to true audiophiles is ever cheap. While it would be wonderful if the world could purchase Westone headphones for under $100, this simply isn’t the case. The regular 4 Series was priced around $449. If you think that this is a lot to pay, you haven’t considered the cost of the 4-R Series: $500+.

As expensive as these headphones are, if you head to the Westone website at the time of this writing, you’ll see that all of these headphones are sold out. That’s right, the 4-R Series is so impressive that audiophiles can’t get their hands on these phones quick enough. As with anything else though, I urge you to test out these headphones before you fork over $400+ for the very best.

There’s very little doubt that you’ll fall in love with Westone’s fit and comfort right away, but it’s still a good idea to check out what the company has to offer before you find a set of Westone’s that’s right for you. If you’re serious about sound, Westone is one of the few companies that you can’t pass up. The Westone 4-R Series Earphones are well worth a look, and many will find that these earphones are also well worth the price.