Photos are great things. Some photos help people remember lost loved ones. Other photos commemorate celebrations of all kinds. Others still help people remember earlier days or days past. Those old paper photos that you have stuffed in a shoebox somewhere will prove fun to look at now and again. Even photos that you have stored on your computer, in different online photo storage sites like Flickr, on Facebook, and on your phone provide hours of memories just by looking at them.
While storing paper photographs in an album or cardboard box is easy, it’s not quite so simple to store digital photographs. Sure, you can place most of these on your desktop or on some other storage site, but organizing these photos can take hours or days to accomplish. A new website called ZangZing is aiming to change the way that your digital photos are stored, shared, and displayed.
What Is ZangZing?
While I, admittedly, do not like the name of this new site, the site itself serves a direct purpose that many people will find useful. With ZangZing, it’s easy to gather all of your digital photos (from Facebook, MobileMe, PC, Mac, Flickr, and other sources), add all of those photos to the ZangZing site, and then send out invitations to friends and family members. Why would you invite friends and family members to view your online photos? Well, with ZangZing the people you invite can do more than just view your photos. Anyone you invite to join your ZangZing community can also add photos to an album.
Best of all, if someone who’s part of your ZangZing album wants to add a photo or two, this only takes a few moments. There’s no complicated sign-up process and no other forms to complete. All you have to do is send the invite, and the photos that you want to share (and have people share with you) can be viewed in an instant – a refreshing break from complex photo sites. You can even set up sharing parameters (share through email, make photos public or private, post to Facebook and various other options).
Photo Quality and Cost
One of the biggest problems that many people have with other photo sharing sites is the lack of photo quality. When posting a photo online, it’s important that the photo you post looks as good as you want it to look (as good as it should look). ZangZing offers high resolution photo storage, and that means that your pictures will look top-notch at all times. This alone should be incentive enough for some people to check out what ZangZing has to offer.
ZangZing offers a great way to share, add, and store photos. In addition, signing up for a ZangZing account is completely free. All you have to do is enter some basic information, and you can start sharing your digital photos from all of those storage spots right away. If ZangZing sounds like something you can’t live without, make sure to check out this new startup’s site.